Exporters Almanac Country Profile
Customs Name: National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary
Program Status: | Operational AEO Programme | Program Title: | AEO |
Scope: | Import/Export | Types of Operator: | Whole supply chain |
AEO List Published? | Yes |
o Easier admittance to customs simplifications o Fewer physical and document-based controls o related to security & safety o related to other customs legislation o Prior notification in case of selection for customs control o related to security & safety o related to other customs legislation o Prior notification in case of selection for physical control (related to safety and security) When necessary a physical control may be performed even though no prior notification of inspection was given o Priority treatment if selected for control o Possibility to request a specific place for customs controls o Mutual Recognition with third countries o Indirect benefits, such as: o Improved relationship with Customs o Reduced theft and losses; o Fewer delayed shipments; o Improved planning; o Improved employee commitment; o Reduced security and safety incidents; o Lower inspection costs of suppliers and increased cooperation; o Reduced crime and vandalism; o Reduced problems through recognition of employees; o Improved security and communication between supply chain partners. |
Andorra, Switzerland, China, Japan, Norway, United States |
Certifying Authority Name | Nav Kavig | Authority Code | HU102000 |
Address | Dob Utca 75-81. | ||
Post Code: | 1077 | City: | Budapest, Vii. Ker. |
Telephone: | +36 1 461-3300 | Email: | kavig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | Nav Észak-Budapesti Avi | Authority Code | HU170000 |
Address | Váci Út 48/C-D. | ||
Post Code: | 1132 | City: | Budapest, Xiii Ker. |
Telephone: | +36 1 412-5400 | Email: | ebpavig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | Nav Baranya Megyei Avi | Authority Code | HU211000 |
Address | Rákóczi Út 52-56. | ||
Post Code: | 7621 | City: | Pécs |
Telephone: | +36 72 533-000 | Email: | baranyaavig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | Nav Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Avi | Authority Code | HU411000 |
Address | Széchenyi István Út 10. | ||
Post Code: | 3530 | City: | Miskolc |
Telephone: | +36 46 514-200 | Email: | borsodavig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | Nav Csongrád Megyei Avi | Authority Code | HU511000 |
Address | Bocskai Utca 14. | ||
Post Code: | 6721 | City: | Szeged |
Telephone: | +36 62 599-300 | Email: | csongradavig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | Nav Gyor-Moson-Sopron Megyei Avi | Authority Code | HU611000 |
Address | Liszt Ferenc Utca 13-15. | ||
Post Code: | 9022 | City: | Gyor |
Telephone: | +36 96 513-950 | Email: | gyoravig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | Nav Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Avi | Authority Code | HU711000 |
Address | Vágóhíd U. 2. | ||
Post Code: | 4034 | City: | Debrecen |
Telephone: | +36 52 517-200 | Email: | hajduavig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | Nav Fejér Megyei Avi | Authority Code | HU821000 |
Address | Mátyás Király U. 8. | ||
Post Code: | 8000 | City: | Székesfehérvár |
Telephone: | +36 22 530-700 | Email: | fejeravig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | No name or contact details | Authority Code | HU100010 |
Address | N/A | ||
Post Code: | N/A | City: | N/A |
Telephone: | N/A | Email: | N/A |
Certifying Authority Name | No name or contact details | Authority Code | HU800010 |
Address | N/A | ||
Post Code: | N/A | City: | N/A |
Telephone: | N/A | Email: | N/A |
Certifying Authority Name | No name or contact details | Authority Code | HU700010 |
Address | N/A | ||
Post Code: | N/A | City: | N/A |
Telephone: | N/A | Email: | N/A |
Certifying Authority Name | NAV VAM AVI | Authority Code | HU911000 |
Address | Hunyadi utca 47 | ||
Post Code: | 9700 | City: | Szombathely |
Telephone: | +36 94 500 960 | Email: | vasavig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | NAV Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg M. AVI | Authority Code | HU121000 |
Address | Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér | ||
Post Code: | 1675 | City: | Budapest |
Telephone: | +36 1 297 2400 | Email: | repig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | No name or contact details | Authority Code | HU721000 |
Address | Szabadság tér 7-8 | ||
Post Code: | 4400 | City: | Nyíregyháza |
Telephone: | +36 42 548 340 | Email: | szabolcsavig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | No name or contact details | Authority Code | HU400010 |
Address | N/A | ||
Post Code: | N/A | City: | N/A |
Telephone: | N/A | Email: | N/A |
Certifying Authority Name | NAV Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei AVI | Authority Code | HU321000 |
Address | József Attila út 22-24 | ||
Post Code: | 5000 | City: | Szolnok |
Telephone: | +36 56 516 454 | Email: | jaszavig@nav.gov.hu |
Certifying Authority Name | No name or contact details | Authority Code | HU600010 |
Address | N/A | ||
Post Code: | N/A | City: | N/A |
Telephone: | N/A | Email: | N/A |
Certifying Authority Name | No name or contact details | Authority Code | HU500010 |
Address | N/A | ||
Post Code: | N/A | City: | N/A |
Telephone: | N/A | Email: | N/A |
Source: World Customs Organization: Compendium of Authorized Economic Operator Programmmes 2018 edition.