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AEO Company Name: Adolf Darbo AG

Registered Company Name: Adolf Darbo Aktiengesellschaft

Company Registration Number: 46033x

AEO Profile

AEO Certificates: AEOC - Application or authorisation for the status of Authorised Economic Operator — Customs simplifications

Effective Date: April 4, 2017, midnight

Certifying Authority Name: Zollamt Innsbruck

Issuing Country: Austria


Industry Sector: Importer/Exporter

ISIC: 1030: Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables

NACE 08: 1039: Other processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables

About: Vegetables, canned, bottled and otherwise packaged; Fruit, candied; Fruit, canned, bottled and otherwise packaged; Condiments and sauces

Trading Address & Contact Details

Telephone Number: 52426951-0

Trading Address: Dornau 18

Trading City: Stans

Trading Post Code: 6135

Trading Country: Austria

Registered Office

Registered Address: Dornau 18

Registered City: Stans im Unterinntal

Registered Post Code: 6135

Registered Country: Austria