AEO Profile

Program Status: N/A Program Title: N/A
Scope: N/A Types of Operator: N/A
AEO List Published? No

AEO Benefits


Certifying Authorities:

No certification authority

Operational Customs Compliance Programme

Title: Secure Economic Operator program Scope: Import/Export
Types of Operator: Importer and Exporter Programme Status: Customs Compliance Programme Under Development

OCC Benefits

o Expedited processing and release of shipments and minimum number of cargo inspections;
o Containers/shipments in line for examination, those belonging to SEO members may be examined first by the Customs Officer or Container Examination Facility;
o increases the certainty of expedited customs processing through reduced examinations;
o Simplified post clearance programs for trade data reporting; more time allotted to provide detailed trade data;
o Facilitates compliance by increasing clients‘ awareness of their obligations; eligibility for self audit

Source: World Customs Organization: Compendium of Authorized Economic Operator Programmmes 2018 edition.