AEO Profile

Program Status: N/A Program Title: N/A
Scope: N/A Types of Operator: N/A
AEO List Published? No

AEO Benefits


Certifying Authorities:

No certification authority

Operational Customs Compliance Programme

Title: High Compliant Trader Incentive Mechanism Scope: Both Import and Export
Types of Operator: Importer and exporter Programme Status: Operational Customs Compliance Programme

OCC Benefits

BTG Member will receive a package of incentive treatment as follows:
o Priority not to queue up in the order of First-in First-out Principle, both in the stages of file lodgement, physical inspection / documentary check, and goods clearance as soon as possible .
o Be granted the customs pre-clearance without security deposit.
o Be exempt from pre-verification procedure on customs value.
o Be exempt from pre-verification procedure on rules of origin.
o Number of containers subjected to cross scanning machines reduced according to existing regulations not to exceed 50 percent of the total number of containers of shipment consisting of more than one.
o Be granted with the Pre-arrival clearance and other incentive in the future, determined by GDCE.

Source: World Customs Organization: Compendium of Authorized Economic Operator Programmmes 2018 edition.