AEO Profile

Program Status: N/A Program Title: N/A
Scope: N/A Types of Operator: N/A
AEO List Published? No

AEO Benefits


Mutual Recognition Agreements:


Certifying Authorities:

No certification authority

Operational Customs Compliance Programme

Title: Blue Line (Express customs clearance) Scope: Import/Export
Types of Operator: Importer and Exporter (a company must be involved in a minimum of 100 international trade transactions per month worth a total of at least 20 million USD) Secretariat of the Federal Revenue Normative: IN RFB nº 476/200 Programme Status: Operational Customs Compliance Programme

OCC Benefits

For importers:
o Preferential storage for cargo;
o Less customs inspections of cargo;
o Preferential treatment of cargo, selected for inspection.
For exporters:
o Dispatch of cargo with reduced number of customs inspections involved;
o Preferential treatment for cargo, selected for customs inspections.

Source: World Customs Organization: Compendium of Authorized Economic Operator Programmmes 2018 edition.