AEO Profile

Program Status: N/A Program Title: N/A
Scope: N/A Types of Operator: N/A
AEO List Published? No

AEO Benefits


Certifying Authorities:

No certification authority

Operational Customs Compliance Programme

Title: Operador Económico Autorizado – OEA (Authorized Economic Operator – AEO) Scope: Export Customs Brokers Import Highway Carriers
Types of Operator: Exporters, Customs Brokers, Importers, Highway carriers, gradually incorporate other operators (Cargo Consolidators/De consolidation) Programme Status: Operational Customs Compliance Programme

OCC Benefits

General Benefits:
o Assigning a customs official to help companies to coordinate and resolve Customs issues related with their certified operation.
o Priority attention in operational and administrative procedures.
o Dissemination of its AEO status at the national and international levels.
o The AEO can use the logo of the AEO programme of Bolivia.
o Participation in new customs initiatives.
o Free delivery Token as bailment.
o Communication and forwarding of updated customs regulations.
o Access to the international platform "AEO Community of Practice".
Exporters Benefits:
o Reduction of red and yellow channels for export declarations.
o Priority to handling clearance formalities.
o Streamlined documentary examination and / or physical recognition, when assigning red or yellow channel.
o Streamlining in the cancellation of term and return of guarantees for RITEX operations.
o Reduction of en-route controls.
o Submission of final export with minimal information.
o Evaluation of commercial partners involved in the certified activity.
o Plant capacity in verification remotely shipment and placement of seals.
Importers Benefits:
o Reduction of red and yellow channels for export declarations.
o Priority to handling clearance formalities.
o Be a receiver of information for tracking the charge via e-mail
o Streamlined documentary examination and / or physicrecognition, when assigning red or yellow channel.
o Reduction of en-route controls.
o Evaluation of commercial partners involved in the certified activity.
o Priority in the revision of merchandise declaration with information sheet.
o For green channels, immediate lift, without the entrance of the merchandise to customs warehouse.
o Reduction of guarantees to access payment facilities.
Priority attention to present the logistics service in customs

Source: World Customs Organization: Compendium of Authorized Economic Operator Programmmes 2018 edition.